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  • Writer's pictureRyan Gilbert

More Tea For Me

Updated: May 2

Health – For decades I have been a victim of a roaringly sensitive stomach early in the mornings as the sun starts to rise. Here is my story, I hope it helps others which includes new health and science research plus some tangible solutions to stomach pain.

More Tea For Me, by Breathe & Eat Chocolate, Science Research on Peppermint for Stomach, Gut, IBS
Illustration Art by DBOG

Introduction - IBS Effects on the Gut

The mornings have always been my favorite part of the day. But it is not my favorite part of the day for my stomach as it absorbs my local lightly roasted coffee. Once I actually take a sip of my second cup of coffee, my stomach starts to moan and groan like a roaring lion.

A new report from a questionnaire in Sweden polled individuals who said around two-thirds of people who have IBS drink coffee. And of those who were polled, nearly 40% reported that it effected their gut in a negative way with stomach pain, etc. There has yet been a particular sole reason why the gut is sensitive to coffee. But there is enough evidence that caffeine can have a negative effect on people challenged by IBS symptoms including “speeding up the movement of our bowels and stimulating the nerves and hormone receptors in the gut.”

A cold brewed coffee that is less acidic compared to a hot brewed coffee is one suggestion that the acid production could be one particular reason but, everyone’s gut is different so testing and trying a different routine for food and drinks is suggested.

My Guts, My Story - Hope for Others who Struggle

My health and my situation is a bit unique because I have no gallbladder. Not having a gallbladder, could increase your chances of developing IBS, short for: Irritable Bowel Syndrome. From a 2008 study, it was reported that gallbladder removal can cause long-term digestive complications, gas, bloating, stomach pain and diarrhea. And my oversensitive nerves in my gut lets me know what I should or should not be eating or drinking.

I learned over time to use this challenge to my advantage, with a heavy focus on a healthy lifestyle, such as eating copious amounts of fresh fruit, such as a banana every morning, paired with many vegetables, homemade meals, and a quality yogurt throughout the day. I try to pair healthy food and drinks, plenty of filtered water (via reverse osmosis) with a daily walk which in turn, equals more harmony for my body.

It's been reported by The American Journal of Gastroenterology that IBS, a chronic disorder, has a great effect on people’s lives with this type of gut-brain interaction. The symptoms includes abdominal pain at least once per week on an average and this will lead to challenges to your bathroom breaks, to put it politely.

In a recent study, it says:

around 10% to 15% of people in the United States have this common disorder. And currently, there are no approved medications or cure for IBS.

Much of what you find at your local pharmacy or grocery store is usually Loperamide tablets which helps you manage your symptoms. You can find more affordable options such as this particular option at at Wellspring Meds I order a few times annually.

Peppermint Tea, an Impactful Addition to my Morning Routine

Recently, I experimented with drinking a tea blend for a week that included a heavy hand of organic (dry) peppermint leaves, organic spearmint, organic tarragon and lastly, organic spearmint oil per the ingredients/label of this popular, readily available, Tazo Regenerative Refresh Mint Herbal Tea Bags. But there was one problem, a major one, there was no caffeine is this particular tea. So I adjusted it, making my own tea blend and paired it with another one, a blend of organic black teas, Tazo Awake English Breakfast Tea Bags with 61+mg of caffeine, coffee is around 95 mg caffeine per cup / 8 ounces.

I had already taken, for many years, in the morning a Peppermint Supplement Softgel that includes per serving size (2): 362mg of peppermint oil, 35.2mg of ginger oil and 38.6mg of fennel oil that has been recommended to assist with minor bowel discomfort. But adding another layer and reducing the amount of hot coffee on my stomach was a revelation that was extremely helpful for my wellness and well-being.

New Research on the Benefits of Peppermint

New research is confirming the positive impact peppermint oil has on the many people experiencing IBS each week. The conclusion with peppermint oil said:

“is a safe and effective therapy for the relief of abdominal pain with adults with IBS.”

It continued saying, peppermint contains L-menthol and blocks certain calcium channels and can give some relief. You can read the full report with the link above.

The Impact of Our Decisions with Food and Drinks

For many fortunate people that do not have IBS, might have less “gut pain” so this little healthy food and drink tip might help them as well.

Certain foods or drinks should be avoided if you have IBS but every single person’s gut responds differently so make sure you experiment with your own healthy diet and discuss options with your doctor if your diet is having a great effect on your daily life.

Ultimately, I found a good balance with having one cup of hot coffee each morning paired with one cup of iced or hot tea (blend), a little more caffeine but not nearly as much as the two+ cups of coffee I was drinking each morning.

The reduction of caffeine, a reduction of dairy milk (lactose), a reduction of acid with an increase of peppermint in my morning diet has improved my gut function, greatly reduced my stomach pain and IBS symptoms dramatically.

I would encourage others who are suffering with a sensitive stomach to be aware of what you are drinking and eating and try to find a good balance that helps you with a more positive outcome and a better quality of life.

As the old saying goes, "trust your gut." More tea for me.

More Tea For Me by Breathe & Eat Chocolate, Health Article on New Research on Peppermint, IBS, Stomach Pain
Art Illustration by DBOG

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