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  • Writer's pictureRyan Gilbert

Embracing the Mystery

Updated: Jan 26, 2023

Mental Health Article - Author David Chernikoff, also a Yogi, has studied with many great meditation teachers and shares some of his wisdom learned during his lifelong journey as a spiritual counselor and a life coach. I will highlight a few key insights on the mental health experience and a strategy I found very helpful.

(Book reference, author David Chernikoff new book called, Life, Part Two, Seven Keys to Awakening with Purpose and Joy As You Age.

“As Buddhist teacher Thich Nhat Hanh put it, The miracle is not to walk on water. The miracle is to walk on the green earth, dwelling deeply in the present moment and feeling truly alive."

- David Chernikoff

Important Step

This particular step and quote from one of his favorite teachers stood out to me while I was reading this book one eveninig. Not only does this step scream "important" and I should practice it daily in my routine, it probably doesn't hurt either, on a fun note, to know this book is printed on acid-free recycled paper helping me feel these words and the reverence behind them. This type of paper really feels different when you turn the page. Many times, small routine moments can truly have an impact on our well-being and mental state if we just stay in the present and embrace the mystery of life unfolding.

The inner work the author shares in his new book at times is very hard to put down due to his shared personal experiences. While reading it the other evening, I made sure to take many notes and to highlight in bright yellow to retain and ruminate in a later date. The author continues on saying, "by turning toward the unknowable mystery at the center of existence, we can learn to live and love well, to age with grace, and to die peacefully."

The Strategy of Conscious Living

He connects letting go of our control and our obsession with information all around us that can bring on harmful anxiety. Living more in the moment, "opening to things" as they are moving in real-time, we can learn to trust and relax much more just by not-knowing. Living a life where "conscious living" is alive and present.

By practicing this simple step and reminding ourselves we have limited control over our future, we can have transformation, have more peace in our mental health and embrace the real-time mystery of our lives.

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